Industry Software of the Year

The Industry Software of the Year Award recognises the best software used by bookkeepers across New Zealand. This award highlights software companies that make a significant impact on the bookkeeping industry.

The winner is selected based on nominations from our members, ensuring the software is truly valued by those who use it daily.

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Exclusive Nominations by Members

Only NZQBA members can make nominations for the Industry Software of the Year award. This process ensures that recognition comes from those who truly understand the value of industry-leading tools. If you’re not yet a member, download our membership info pack today.

"Coming together is a beginning, staying together is progress, and working together is success". - Henry Ford

How it works?

Why this Award matters?

Get involved

As an NZQBA member, your involvement in the nomination process plays a crucial role. Your vote highlights the software tools that genuinely enhance your business operations and benefit the bookkeeping community.

Software companies aiming for this award should reach out to NZQBA members to secure a nomination. Members’ nominations serve as a vital step toward gaining recognition.

Industry Software of the Year Award


Industry Software of the Year

We know that the right software can make all the difference in your day-to-day work. Whether it’s the tool that streamlines your processes, keeps your clients happy, or simply makes your life easier, we want to hear about it!

To be eligible for the Industry Software of the Year award, software must demonstrate exceptional reliability, efficiency, and value to bookkeepers. It should enhance workflow, improve client relationships, or significantly contribute to overall business operations. The software must be actively used by NZQBA members and stand out in terms of its practical benefits and user satisfaction.

Entries for the Industry Software of the Year award are submitted through nominations by NZQBA members. Members provide detailed information about their favourite software, including its impact on their business and reasons for their recommendation. Nominations are collected and reviewed by a panel to ensure they meet the criteria. The software receiving the highest scores based on member feedback and demonstrated value will be selected as the winner.