Leah Keown

Leah Keown

Biographical Info Small business accounting can quickly become complex, particularly when managed in-house. Our team have the knowledge and experience to help alleviate your pain, this is just a conversation away. With over 25 years experience of solutions and knowledge on offer, I help business owners who are overwhelmed with their Accounting & Bookkeeping and want to spend more time in their business, not on it, allowing them to increase their billable hours and enjoying their free time. Netball is my passion. I am a netball coach in Nelson and I mentor coaches and players within this role. I am also on the performance coach pathway within Netball New Zealand and Netball Mainland zone. As a business and individual I also support the Nelson/Tasman branch of Big Brothers Big Sister.

Email Address leah@beyondyournumbers.nz

Company Beyond Your Numbers

Location Nelson

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